
Melissa Nobles
About the position
The chancellor oversees student life and learning at MIT, and is committed to helping the Institute focus its effort and resources on educating the whole student. Reporting to the president, the chancellor and the provost are MIT’s two most senior academic officers.
The chancellor works closely with the MIT Corporation, the MIT president, the provost, vice presidents, vice chancellors, and other senior leaders to develop and implement the Institute’s strategic priorities. These include advancing resource development initiatives and capital planning efforts, enrolling talented students from around the world, and helping to foster a climate and culture that enable all MIT community members to thrive and do their best work.
Committees on which the chancellor serves
Committees that report to the chancellor
Chancellor Nobles invites currently enrolled MIT students to share their views, ideas, and concerns with her and her staff via email at, or by meeting with her in person. To request a 15-minute meeting with the chancellor, please email Kendra Mar, including the following information in your request:
- Name
- Student type (undergraduate or graduate)
- Day/time preference
- Student group or organization
- Number of students who will attend
- Discussion topics