Celebrating Staff Excellence at MIT on Thursday, June 9
To the members of the MIT community,
Next month, one of our most important MIT traditions returns as an in-person event: the MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony. We look forward to welcoming staff, faculty, and students to Kresge Auditorium on Thursday, June 9, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. In addition to the in-person event, community members may watch the ceremony via livestream.
The MIT Excellence Awards recognize the extraordinary contributions of staff to MIT’s mission. The Collier Medal honors the memory of Officer Sean Collier, who gave his life protecting and serving the MIT community. This year’s ceremony will also include the presentation of the new MIT Staff Award for Distinction in Service. A list of recipients can be found on the MIT Recognition website.
2022 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal Ceremony
including presentation of the MIT Staff Award for Distinction in Service
Thursday, June 9, 2022
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET (reception to follow)
Kresge Auditorium and livestream
If you have questions, please contact Cori Champagne, Recognition Program Administrator in Human Resources, at excellence@mit.edu.
I hope that all members of the MIT community will join together – whether in person or virtually – to honor this year’s recipients of these prestigious awards.
Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources
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