Nominations now open for the 2024 Excellence Awards + Collier Medal
To the members of the MIT community,
At MIT, we are familiar with excellence. Every day, members of our community support the MIT mission by building strong connections with colleagues and finding innovative solutions to challenges.
I invite you to consider those staff members who have modeled excellence and to nominate them for the 2024 MIT Excellence Awards and Collier Medal. Recognizing MIT employees for their achievements celebrates both their successes and the Institute as a whole.
Nominations for individuals and teams can be submitted in any of the six categories for the 2024 MIT Excellence Awards (for staff members) or for the Collier Medal (for any member of the MIT community). Submissions are due by Friday, December 8, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
The Human Resources website has details about the nomination process. If you have questions, please contact Cori Champagne, MIT Recognition Program Administrator, at 617-253-5986 or
I hope you will take the time to highlight the contributions of your colleagues and submit a nomination. As always, I look forward to seeing many of you at the Excellence Awards and Collier Medal celebration in June 2024.
Ramona Allen
Vice President for Human Resources