Office hours and listening tours
To the members of the MIT community:
Last May, I promised that I would make a point of listening to you. I began this intensive listening process this summer, and now I want to highlight two ways that I will continue to hear directly from the MIT community this year.
Office hours
Starting in October, I will set aside two hours each month for 15-minute meetings with any member of the MIT community. If you're interested, please submit your name, email address, phone number and topic through a sign-up form on my website.
Listening tour
Throughout the coming year, I plan to find many opportunities to hear views and voices from across MIT. For example, I have already scheduled a dozen open sessions to meet with groups of faculty in all five Schools. I am in the process of identifying other opportunities to meet, formally and informally, with students and staff, and I plan to share updates as these plans evolve.
Additional information regarding these listening activities can be found at
One of the most inspiring and helpful things about being part of MIT is how much you can learn from anyone you talk to here. I look forward to hearing your ideas and to looking at MIT and the world from your point of view.
L. Rafael Reif