Letters to the Community

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Climate Grand Challenges: A call to the MIT community

July 23, 2020
Richard Lester, Associate Provost for International Activities, 2015–2023 | Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

Tackling the grand challenges of climate change

July 23, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Support for our Asian and Asian American community members

July 22, 2020
John H. Dozier, Institute Community and Equity Officer, 2020–2023 |

Fall updates and the Student Housing Assistance Review Process (SHARP)

July 18, 2020
Suzy M. Nelson, Vice President and Dean for Student Life, 2016–2021 |

Phase 2 research ramp-up preparation instructions

July 17, 2020
Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 | Tyler E. Jacks, Chair of the Lightning Committee |

July 23 forum for Task Force 2021 and Beyond

July 17, 2020
Chair of the Faculty, 2019–2021 | Sanjay Sarma, Vice President for Open Learning, 2016–2022 |

ICE rescinds rule on international students and online learning

July 14, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Task Force 2021 and Beyond

July 13, 2020
Sanjay Sarma, Vice President for Open Learning, 2016–2022 | Chair of the Faculty, 2019–2021 |

Data collection to inform a return to campus

July 8, 2020
Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 | Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2018–2024 |

MIT action in response to new ICE rule on online learning

July 8, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Further decisions about the Fall semester

July 7, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Addressing systemic racism at MIT

July 1, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

One-year tenure clock extension for new faculty (beginning FY21)

June 29, 2020
Martin A. Schmidt, Provost, 2014–2022 |

Pulse survey results/next survey opens June 29

June 25, 2020
John H. Dozier, Institute Community and Equity Officer, 2020–2023 | Timothy F. Jamison, Associate Provost, 2019–2022 | Maryanne Kirkbride, Executive Administrator, MindHandHeart |

RAS to close July 3–6, plan research proposals accordingly

June 22, 2020
Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

Pausing to appreciate two recent Supreme Court decisions

June 20, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Doctoral long-term financial hardship assessment process

June 18, 2020
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2018–2024 |

Research ramp up thank you

June 18, 2020
Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

Marking Juneteenth, tomorrow, June 19, 2020

June 18, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Initial decisions about fall at MIT

June 17, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 |

Remote Making Summer Pilot

June 16, 2020
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2018–2024 |

Special Holiday Closing on July 6, 2020

June 15, 2020
L. Rafael Reif, President, 2012–2022 | Ramona Allen, Vice President for Human Resources |

Phase 1 research ramp-up go-live information

June 14, 2020
Maria T. Zuber, Vice President for Research, 2013–2024 |

MIT Team 2020 releases report informing 2020-21 academic options

June 12, 2020
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2018–2024 | Anthony P. Sharon, Acting Deputy Executive Vice President, 2020–2020 |

A moment of moral urgency

June 12, 2020
John H. Dozier, Institute Community and Equity Officer, 2020–2023 | Timothy F. Jamison, Associate Provost, 2019–2022 |