Student flu shots – urgent reminder

October 14, 2020
Ian A. Waitz, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, 2018–2024 |

Dear Students,

We are writing to urge you to get your flu shot ASAP, both for your own health and to help ensure the health of others.

Registered domestic students should note that the end of the MIT Medical flu clinics, available to all MIT students regardless of where they live, is fast approaching. The clinic is open today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., and on Friday, October 16 from 8 a.m. – noon. If you are on the Student Extended Insurance Plan, you can get your shot anywhere Blue Cross Blue Shield is accepted.

As MIT Medical does for all state-required immunizations, we will need to put a hold on spring registrations for domestic students who do not get their shot by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ deadline of October 30th.

You can document your shot via this online form. Residential students who get their flu shot at MIT do not need to submit documentation.

Note: Students still living abroad are exempt. Other medical exemptions must come from your doctor and state the reason why you cannot receive the vaccine. Religious exemptions must state that a vaccine conflicts with your sincerely held religious belief. In either case, you are required to upload documentation using this online form.

Thank you for your help in preventing the spread of infection.


Ian A. Waitz (on behalf of the Covid-19 Testing Team)
Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education