New Executive VP and Treasurer Glen Shor
Dear faculty and staff,
I am very pleased to let you know that Glen Shor, currently vice president for finance, has agreed to become MIT’s next executive vice president and treasurer (EVPT), effective immediately.
The EVPT oversees a broad and demanding portfolio, a range of intense responsibilities familiar to Glen from his previous post as secretary for administration and finance for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Since joining MIT in 2015, Glen has demonstrated again and again the skills and qualities that make him exceptionally well suited to the EVPT role, including his astute financial judgment and deep operational expertise; his gifts as a leader and mentor; his patient, engaging, collaborative style; and his enthusiasm for MIT’s mission. If you know MIT, you will appreciate his observation that the Institute is “delightfully complex,” and Glen thrives in that atmosphere.
In his tenure as VP for finance, Glen played a key role in shaping and advancing our sustained efforts to build MIT’s financial resilience and reserves, both to support MIT’s core mission and enable strategic leaps. At the same time, he inspired his team to seek out and implement fresh ways to modernize and streamline Institute operations, from procurement to payroll. Throughout, Glen has brought to the work a marvelous instinct for connection, coordination and collegiality.
You can read more about his accomplishments and background here.
Since the departure last spring of our previous EVPT, Israel Ruiz, Glen has already taken on many of the role’s practical responsibilities, with excellent results. These past pandemic months – a test for everyone at MIT – have imposed distinctive pressures on those who manage our finances and operations. From protecting our community and sustaining our mission to preserving the strength of our endowment, the arrival of Covid-19 last spring required countless decisions in conditions of overwhelming uncertainty. Glen immediately rose to the challenge.
Throughout this ongoing crisis, we have all benefited from the results of his longstanding stewardship of MIT’s financial resilience, which put us in a position of strength to deal with the unprecedented demands of Covid-19, as well as from his thoughtful, prudent, decisive actions since spring; that MIT has been able to operate effectively through the pandemic is due in no small part to the extraordinary efforts of Glen and his team. While making sure we sustain our current diligence, vigilance and care, Glen also has his eyes on our future, making sure MIT is ready to move, as the lessons and circumstances of the pandemic present opportunities for positive change.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Glen brings to his work his engaging personal wisdom, character and heart. For Glen, his wife, Ellen, and their two young children, the pandemic has imposed the cascading challenges of reinventing home, school, work – and soccer practice. I have been impressed with the insights he has gleaned from that experience and his compassionate attention to supporting our community through this strange time.
Please join me in expressing to Glen our profound gratitude for all his service to MIT and high hopes for his continued success in his vital new role.
L. Rafael Reif